RaneCAT Products


Activated metal catalysts include nickel, copper, cobalt and modified promoters, supplying catalysts for slurry and fixed bed process.
FAMC Products


Unactivated fixed-bed metal alloy catalysts of nickel or cobalt are applied in double/triple bond and aldehyde hydrogenation.
CuCAT Products


Supported nickel catalysts disperse the active components nickel and auxiliary agents on carriers by impregnating and precipitation.
CuCAT Products


Copper Catalysts disperse the active composition copper and auxiliary agents on carriers by impregnating and precipitation.


Precious metal catalysts loads precious metals such as Pd, Pt, Ru and Rh on porous activated carbon, Al2O3, SiO2, resin and other materials.
AlCAT 230Q


Methyl chloride catalysts are made of high purity alumina, designed for dehydrogenation reactions, for example Ethanol to Ethylene,etc.

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